Thanks for taking the time to read this BitClub Network Review! Entertainment Shopping is a new type of online auction which operates differently then most auctions do. Unlike auctions like eBay, these new auction sites charge people for each and every bid they place. This company turned out to be an educational platform for the leaders of well-known companies in this industry (e.g. Mary Kay and Tupperware).
However, in network marketing, there is plenty of feel-good information, and the education provided is very effective. In theory, you are supposed to sell an eBook up front and then market your primary network marketing opportunity on the back-end. Just like other companies in the industry, Arbonne uses a direct selling business model and is a member of the Direct Selling Association or DSA.
It mainly focuses on prospecting, closing, and using online marketing sequences to target interested prospects. And that’s where the important second aspect of network marketing’s “higher price” comes in: the added value which you as a “distributor” add to the specialty products you sell.
Network marketing and direct sales representatives add significant value to the product they sell and they are well paid when they do so successfully. The owner will earn a specific amount of money every time a visitor clicks on these ads and hence, it is known as the Pay Per Click method.
And while it’s too early to tell if they’ll even be around for the long haul because they’re only a few months old, Bradley and the other members of the Corporate team bring a ton of experience in Network Marketing and Travel, which is a good thing. First, the products available through top network marketing companies sales and distribution model are mostly what are called “specialty” items.