Make Pizza Shop Style Pizza At Home teresia, August 16, 2018 Wine Shop At Home is a direct sales company that operates out of California’s famed Napa Valley. One “shop at home” body care company projects that independent consultant sales will eclipse their retail store sales in the next 3-6 years. Globally more than half of Internet users have made at least one purchase online in the past month.” With online sales ranking in hundreds of billions of dollars per year, online shopping seems to be the future of retail sales. This situation does not occur when you shop online, and this is facilitated by the ‘buy now pay later’ option, which in a nutshell, gives you an extension for payment. Online shopping also gives consumers access to hard to find products. According to Nielsen Online, “more than 85 percent of the world’s online population has used the Internet to make a purchase, increasing the market for online shopping by 40 percent in the last two years. People who shop online will be quick to refer you if they have a pleasant experience and are happy with the outcome of the purchase. For the buyers, there are a wide range of products on handmade and vintage items under various categories at an affordable price. Even people who say they don’t like selling often do very well with this type of business, especially if they choose a company with a solid reputation, a good training program and quality merchandise. You should be diligent enough to check out the many deals and offers that these online stores have. This is due to the fact that if a person wants to physically inspect the service or goods he is paying for, he is unable to do so. Moreover, some people are accustomed to shop with family and friends and hang out to malls and big outlets. E-Commerce or Electronic Commerce (EC) is the practice of buying and selling various good and services on the World Wide Web (Internet). Electronic